*We are a three day a week program: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 9:00 am -1:00 pm  
*We teach children from 6 months to 5 years.
*We have small class sizes with two teachers in each classroom.
*We provide snack and the children bring their lunch.
*One day a week music/movement class
*We have a gym and outdoor playground for lots of physical activities
*School year is from September to May
*We follow Safe Sanctuary policy
*Program has been in existence for over30 years
*We prepare children for the next age group through fun and age appropriate activities and learning tools.
*The church has added 9 cameras and a buzz in system for front door  for added safety of our kiddos. .
*You can call our church office for a tour of our program
*Our goal is for every child to leave our program loving school!